
Graphic Design + Motion Design + Web Design

Consensys is a leading blockchain and web3 software company dedicated to empowering developers, businesses, and users to build applications across the decentralized web. With a mission to make web3 more accessible and user-friendly, Consensys aims to simplify the Web3 experience for all.

At Consensys, I contributed to some key projects.

This includes the 'Web3 For All' campaign, which advocates for a new digital era promoting personal, economic, and political agency. Other notable projects include a targeted ad in the Wall Street Journal directed to the future U.S. president and designing exclusive Consensys swag.


Consensys’s Web3 For All Campaign

‘Web3 For All' advocates for the new digital era of Web3.

Why is this important? What is web3? In the current web2 landscape, personal data is owned and controlled by corporations. In web3, individuals have control over their own data, their decisions, and their digital self.

This transformative shift enables true digital ownership and freedom to build and act—whether for personal, economic, or political empowerment. With an incredible team, including Craig Wong, Anelly Vasquez, and many others, we brought this vision to life through a powerful campaign.

My role involved explorations and designing social media and web assets to amplify the campaign’s message. The challenge was to make static graphics more dynamic. By incorporating motion design and 3D elements, we transformed these visuals, creating an immersive experience that captures the web3 message.

Here is a link to the web3 campaign.


Overview of Web3 For All Graphics and Adding Motion for Social Media

Below is an overview of the different types of graphics conceptualized for the campaign by Invisible North, which fall into two main categories:

  • 3D object graphics

  • Typography only graphics

My role was to explore animated assets for social media that complement those graphics. The typography-only graphics felt weaker, so I explored adding motion and incorporating 3D elements to make them more engaging. These animated graphics were templated, so one could quickly interchange phrases and 3D objects.


Graphic above was designed by Anelly Vasquez.


Consensys Wall Street Journal Letter to the Future U.S. President

Consensys crafted a letter to the future president of the United States, advocating for clear regulation that empowers - not punishes - web3 builders. Here’s a link to the online article.

Since announcing Consensys’s lawsuit with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) earlier this year, Consensys has been fighting for every web3 builders’ right to innovate. Whether you’re based in the U.S. or beyond; smart, clear, and empowering regulation for web3, blockchains, and cryptocurrencies is long overdue. 

I designed this piece for the Wall Street Journal with Craig Wong. Using InDesign, I iterated on various design options based on several rounds of body copy changes. Ultimately, the team landed on a clean layout with Consensys distinct brand pattern on top.


Consensys End of Year Swag

The Consensys end of year swag selection built on the success of last year’s items, featuring a proposed lineup of sweaters, long-sleeve and short-sleeve t-shirts, tote bags, and keychains. Each item was curated in combinations to suit various budget levels—premium, mid-range, and cost-effective.

Alex Lumain and I collaborated to create a detailed slide deck for CEO Joe Lubin, outlining these options.